This motorcycle fourth of July tribute is a compilation of a number of our videos and photos of motorcycle events here in San Diego California as well as other parts of Southern California.
We like to cover lots of California's motorcycle shows, rides and events. Plus, we have some informative "how-to" motorcycle videos and motorcycle rider video interviews.
Motorcycle New Years | California Motorcycles, Harley stunt riders. This
is a little motorcycle video celebration of the prior year with
cool-looking motorcycles, hot motorcycle babes all combined with
Southern California's excellent motorcycle riding weather and scenery.
Yes, we're certainly lucky to be living in Southern California where you
can take a quick motorcycle ride from the beautiful beaches to our mile
high mountains in under an hour. Where else can you do a little morning
surfing, jump on your motorcycle and ride up to Julian California in
the mountains for lunch and head back home for a barbecue out by the
beach in January?
There is no snow in the city of San Diego California. But, there are plenty of motorcycles and always a very festive holiday experience.
It was the week before Christmas in San Diego California, and where in
our typical upper 70° sunny weather. Our great weather is perhaps the
main reason why San Diego and all of Southern California is such a great
place to ride motorcycles.
This video was a motorcycle Christmas holiday celebration and the last
bike night of the year! I still recall motorcycle riding back on the
East Coast, where I typically only got a six-month insurance policy for
motorcycle riding from April through September.
What a difference of owning a motorcycle here in San Diego California!
If you are interested in custom chopper motorcycles be sure to visit our very popular San Diego California motorcycles site at: San Diego chopper motorcycles